April, 2004

By steppen-wolf Admin

Greetings everyone:

Charlie Wolf, the band, our crew as well as various family members, threw a surprise birthday party for me on Easter Sunday
(a day before my actual birthday) We all had a fine time, good food and companionship. Amongst the various gifts I received, was a big basket full of birthday cards from Wolfpack members and supporters from far-flung corners of the world. I suspect that Charlie Wolf had a hand in all this, but be that as it may, I would like to thank everyone who was kind enough to send their good wishes and also their thoughts about what the music has meant to them over the years. Tomorrow, Jutta, Charlie and I will fly to Hanover, Germany where I will perform with the German band BAP on a nationwide TV show. The show celebrates the 50th anniversary of the birth of Rock’n Roll (internationally speaking), namely April 12, 1954 when “Rock Around The Clock” by Bill Haley & The Comets was released and became the first RnR hit to conquer the continent and other parts of the world. On that day, back in 1954, I celebrated my 10th birthday while living in Hanover and soon thereafter discovered Rock’n Roll on the American Armed Forces Radio Network. To find myself back in my old hometown 50 years later, as part of the aforementioned celebration, will be special experience for me to be sure. Upon my return, Michael and I will finish the

John Kay & Steppenwolf “Live In Louisville” DVD, which will be released early October this year. The John Kay & Friends “Live At The Renaissance Center” DVD is completely done and scheduled for a June 1 release along with the reissue of the “Heretics & Privateers” CD. Hard to believe these projects will finally be available. Due to various circumstances to boring to recount now, there were moments when it seemed it took less time to build the Pyramids then to get these recordings out. On the other hand, in the end I found the wait worthwhile because of the fine job Michael did on the audio mixes, both surround 5.1 and stereo. Despite all the technical difficulties, the new learning curve and a host of other unforeseen hurdles, Michael prevailed and I want to thank him for that right here, right now.

Starting in June it’s back on the road where we, no doubt, will to see many of our friends once again. I hope you will be one of them. Stay wild. JK


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